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Discover the secret exercise to improve posture and reduce back pain

Updated: Sep 1, 2023

The world of physical activity is full of different proposals, from those who argue that "we need to play sports" to those who promote yoga, running or brisk walking. In this article, I want to draw your attention to an element that is often overlooked: the pelvis. This area of the body is the permanent center of gravity, which affects the movement of the rest of the body and can have a significant impact on your health.

Having a particularly mobile and free pelvis is of fundamental importance for the health and well-being of the human body.

The pelvis is our body's center of gravity and affects the posture and movement of the rest of the body. When the pelvis is locked or stiff, it can cause muscle and joint problems, limit mobility, and cause pain.

The movement of the pelvis is very important, especially for women, but it is often blocked by preconceptions related to sex. For women, a mobile pelvis is important during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. Adequate mobility of the pelvis helps the fetus position itself correctly in the uterus, facilitating the labor of delivery and reducing the risk of invasive medical interventions. After giving birth, moving your pelvis can help restore muscle function and ease any pain.

A mobile pelvis is important to maintain correct posture and prevent back pain, especially for those who perform sedentary jobs or spend many hours standing. A mobile pelvis can also help improve athletic performance, as it affects balance and body stability.

A free and mobile pelvis can also have a positive impact on mental health, as it can help reduce stress and emotional tension, promoting greater relaxation and overall well-being. For these reasons, it's important to make time to exercise and take care of your pelvis to improve your quality of life.

There is a safe and painless way to move the pelvis: the isometric movement. It's a no-load movement that anyone can do, even if you're stuck in bed. This exercise helps to become aware of all the possibilities of movement of the pelvis and to ensure a more relaxed and stable posture.

The pelvis is also the center of strength and power, called Dan Tien in Japan. To avoid wasting the sexual energy this area of the body can generate, it's important to do this simple and powerful exercise.

Lie down on your back on the ground, bend your knees, feet are parallel and hips apart, fingers touching your heels. Place your hands on the two iliac crests just above the thigh. Keeping the sacrum firmly on the ground, rotate the iliac crests towards the face and then towards the feet.

With a little practice, this exercise can become a natural part of your daily routine, helping you feel more relaxed and centered.

I'll explain it yet another way:

The movement of the pelvis is called anteversion (forward hip rotation) and retroversion (backward hip rotation):

anteversion lifts the loins off the ground and seems to want to bring the navel to the sky, pushes the sternum and pubic bone away without ever detaching the sacrum from the ground.

the retroversion of the pelvis presses the loins to the ground, seems to want to bring the navel towards the vertebral column, brings the sternum and the pubic bone closer without ever detaching the sacrum from the ground.

Once you've become familiar with the movement you can also match the breathing: inhale when you're in anteversion, exhale when you're in retroversion.

Good movement,


ps: find out how Shiatsu brings you to inner awareness, including emotions click here



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